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  • Help for Refugees

Where to get help in Germany when fleeing from the war in Ukraine


Date15 Mar 2022


New2 wants to support people fleeing from the war in Ukraine in this time of crisis. We have compiled some links with information regarding different issues. Please note that we are not responsible for the content in the provided links. Be aware that there might be several updates on current information. We will try to update the links and add to the list as much as possible!

First steps of gathering information

Here you can find an extensive list with information regarding accommodation in Berlin, Germany and the EU, administrative steps, differences for German states and cities, support for medical issues and education. 


The German government has started a website to offer help in various fields, such as basic information, accommodation or medical support. This website will updated frequently and is available in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian. https://www.germany4ukraine.de/hilfeportal-de

The Office for Integration has compiled frequently asked questions and answers them in English and Ukrainian! Find information about arrival, registration, health and financial support and more! https://www.integrationsbeauftragte.de/ib-de/staatsministerin/krieg-in-der-ukraine

Frequently asked questions compiled from the German Ministry of Home Affairs. You’ll find information about the legal status, the rights and duties of refugees and regulations for asylum applications in English and Russian! https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/EN/topics/ministry/ukraine-war-eng/faq-ukraine-artikel.html 

Check out the useful Instagram page from the ARD and ZDF (biggest public news channels in Germany) with information on how to live in Germany https://www.instagram.com/how.to.deutschland/ (available in English, German and Ukrainian).

Here you can find useful words and phrases in German which will help you to communicate your needs https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/ukrainsko-nimetskyi-dovidnyk?fbclid=IwAR384mshXBbL-mWoU3OGOroU4QI_rypItpGdntDt7Wfcp1C48CzjpjMBHCo


All you need to know on travelling by train in Germany with an Ukrainian Passport  https://www.bahn.de/info/helpukraine

In Berlin and Brandenburg you can travel for free with the public transport until the 15th of June 2022 https://www.bvg.de/de/Ukraine

Accommodation and registration 

If you arrive in Berlin, find information about accommodation and registration in Berlin in English, Ukrainian and Russian here https://www.berlin.de/ukraine/

If you are looking for accommodation with private people you can start a request on this website. If there is a match, you’ll be notified https://www.unterkunft-ukraine.de/request (available in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian)

If you are looking for an accommodation where pets are allowed, check this website where people are ready to provide accommodation for people with pets. https://help.tasso.net/de/#places

Medical Support

For pregnant women and parents of kids under the age of 3 the National Centre for Early Support (Nationales Zentrum für Frühe Hilfen NZFH) provides important information and has compiled a list of consultation possibilities here (in Ukrainian, Russian and English) https://www.elternsein.info/alltag-mit-kind/hilfe-ukraine/beratung-und-informationen-fuer-familien-aus-der-ukraine/

Open consultation hours for psychiatric care are provided by Ukrainian doctors and psychologists at the transcultural centre for psychiatry and psychotherapy in Berlin. Refugees in need can get a free consultation daily from 8am-4pm. Please get an appointment beforehand (+49 0151 -  68 939 573 or at transkulturelle-psychiatrie@vivantes.de or Julia.Schwab@vivantes.de)! 

For children and young people you can find the online consultation via email here. Available in Ukrainian, Russian, Slovakian/ Czech, Polish, German and English. https://jugendnotmail.de/

Regulations for refugees without an Ukrainian passport

If you fled Ukraine without an Ukrainian passport, you should follow the Migrationsrat Berlin (migration council Berlin) for updates on the decision of the German government on how to proceed. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca42wfUs1In/

Learning German

Here you can find useful words and phrases in German which will help you to communicate your needs https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/ukrainsko-nimetskyi-dovidnyk?fbclid=IwAR384mshXBbL-mWoU3OGOroU4QI_rypItpGdntDt7Wfcp1C48CzjpjMBHCo

If you have any questions or other useful information please contact us at info@new2app.com so we can add it to the list! We will regularly update this article to make sure to provide reliable and relevant information. 

Please take care of yourself! 

New2 Team 

#help for ukrainians#refugees welcome#solidarity with ukraine#no war#peace for ukraine